

Explain different skin and hair types , conditions , diseases , disorders

Skin types-normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, sensitive skin, mature skin, blemished skin, epidermis skin, dermis skin, hypodermis skin,

Diseases and disorders of the skin

Explain how to communicate and behave in a professional manner

positive body language , eye contact , clear answers , open questions, no barriers between client and therapist , enthusiasm, professionalism, knowledge, confidentiality, listening to your customer .

explain health and safety working practices

it’s important to comply with health and safety rules as not following them will lead you or your client to lose health  and legal procedure against the therapist . That’s why during procedure safety glasses are required to protect your eyes with laser light contact, door has  to be closed to prevent someone from outside to come to contact to this light , all hazard items should be removed , and hazard light sticker should be displayed , there should not be any reflective items in treatment room as well.  

Explain the importance of using products, tools, equipment and techniques to suit client treatment needs, skin types and conditions

Every client will need different settings for treatment so to figure it out proper technique we need to follow some rules. Patch test is required by law and should be done before consultation with customers. Therapists before choosing equipment and tools like eye wear, apron , masks, spatula etc.need to ask the client to fill up necessary forms to identify if she / he can be treated at all. After all this therapist will choose the best products,tools and equipment to meet client needs and expectations.

Explain the principles of electrical currents and basic electricity

Measurement of electricity-volts,watts,amperes,ohms and ohms law and the relevance.  

Correct fuses and electrical appliances:

3 amp fuses-700 watt appliances

5 amp- from 750 to 1000 watt

13 amp- between 1000 to 1300 watt


Explain the consequences of inaccurate identification of client skin type/ coloring according to Fitzpatrick scale

Mistakes will result with the customer being treated with the wrong treatment settings that might cause burns, blistering, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, scarring, not effective treatment, physiological damage

Describe how treatment can be adapted to suit client treatment needs and skin / hair conditions

The treatment plan needs to be adaptable according to client skin type in Fitzpatrick scale and  his  pain threshold, also individual hair growth cycle.

Explain the methods of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment

Visual-reduction that is visible to eye in the treatment area Practical-setting machine accordingly to ensure maximum effectiveness of treatment

summarize the aftercare advice


Prior to arriving for Your treatment session, you will need to:


And here’s WHAT TO DO after your treatment and between sessions:

Here is WHAT TO AVOID after treatments and between sessions:

Explain salon requirements for preparing yourself, the client and work area

For preparing personal appearance - uniform, no jewelry, hair tied , sensible footwear , during procedures protection gloves , mask , glasses For preparing customers- follow consultation procedure- fill up all necessary forms to gain info about medical history, contraindications , skin conditions, light exposure , when last shaved. Explain what treatment is for and how it will look like , inform about patch tests , make sure all consultation is conducted with sensitive , confidentiality manners, explain and clarify questions if needed . Clearly agree with client cost of treatment and how many sessions is included in price

Explain the environmental conditions suitable for laser and light treatment for hair removal

Explain the contraindications that prevent or restrict laser and light treatment for hair removal

Heart Disease Burns / Grafter skin Polycystic ovarian syndrome Hirsutism Liver / Kidney disease Port wine stain Haemangioma Shingles Steroid of Hormonal therapy Thyroid hormone deficiency Diabetes-skin more sensitive to ipl/ laser light Aids Gold injections Haemophilia Anti-coagulants Acne Cancer (or radiation/chemotherapy) Herpes (or cold sores)- can spread Keloid formations / Scars Melanoma / Moles Epilepsy-flash could bring a fit Psoriasis Skin Pigmentation Vitiligo Hormonal Imbalances- can tiger hair growth Lupus Disease Clotting disorders Anti-inflammatory medication Pregnant &BreastFeeding - hormones could affect hair growth, light is dangerous for baby

Explain required legislation for laser and light treatment and the importance of compliance with them

Its required by law to do patch test to the area before treatment to see how skin will react to laser not complying with this can put patient and therapist in great risk

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